
Coca Cola’s opportunities among threats

In Uncategorized on February 23, 2011 at 7:10 am

Most of the people drink Coke with ice even in the winter. However, Coca Cola’s market will be threatened by many people including me who do not want to take even a sip of Coca Cola in the winter. Coca Cola made an opportunity by expanding its market in countries where is not very cold — Asia. Coca Cola has got a big market in Asia. Its market in China increased 6% by 2002. The market in Japan is the highest percentage, 29%, while it is growing in Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh day by day. Coca Cola, in the demographic segment, faces the threats of people’s income to increase the price. The problem is still there for Coca Cola as Haiti people’s problems left by 12th January, 2010 earthquake.Coca Cola donated 100% of the profits form the sale of designated Haiti Hope beverages by using the local fruit, Mango, with local farmers to bring back lives, hopes, and dreams of Haiti people. With R&D, Coca Cola reached out to the source of health juice by coorporating with Nestle S.A. 

Nowadays, Coca Cola’s making opportunities out of its threats — the global ecomony, people’s income, the world physical changes, and major competitor,Pepsi Co., — is debatable and watching by eveyone around the world.

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